A  G L A S S  O F  W A T E R
A glass of clear water is all that you need 
to start with, is where all words must lead.
The way the fingers meet its unresisting circles 
in intimate embrace, stay on with it even while.

the lips and mouth long to take over.
The feel of the rain falling inside
the body's dried-up cavities 
in the dark, undeniably yours.
I think the real thing is to know how all this 
takes place beyond the shape and sound of words,

far beyond their use by clever, unfailing hands in artful lines 
of varying lengths and pauses,
how a poem quietly appears somewhere
 near our five fingers waiting on a glass of clear water
and their casual farewell to its emptiness.
I remember my friend in Iowa City remarking:

"Don't tell me about love or relationships.
Don't tell me about life, death, or eternity.​​​​​​​
I've been told enough. 
Tell me about a glass of water. You'll have told me all.
A glass of clear water waiting in the gloom 
of want and thirst, in the darkness of default,

and yet asking for nothing except
a slight touch of our skin.
Stillness in the Midst of Chaos

I tried to shoot with everyday objects (glass of water).
So that's the major idea behind this concept.
It's about the stillness amidst the chaos that life is. 
Everything that just keeps going 
within us as well as in the outside world, but 
it's about looking through, 
about finding the calm within the chaos.



Creative Fields