Urban life, people and landscape photographer Tim Müller lives in Berlin and travels constantly, shooting between Europe, USA and everywhere beyond. 

Tim Müller has a rare talent being able to combine the creative with the analytical. He studied business marketing / management and also received a master of arts in consulting and coaching. Having this background and successfully gaining experience in the fields of marketing and advertising, he embarked on a spectacular marketing campaign that no client could ignore. His portfolio was delivered by carrier pigeons to all major German cities. The pigeons returned with feedback directly from his clients. 

Inspiring off set and on set Tim creates an air of creativity and control at all times wherever he is, which is reflected in his authentic, genuine and touching shots. Tim Müller has worked for a range of international clients from advertising to editorial across the globe.

Recently he has been selected to be one of the "Best 200 AD Photographers Worldwide 2012/13" by Lürzer's Archive.


