Andrew Orton's profile

Videos and Animation

Video and animation
Doctor Who: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Daleks
My animation of Dalek history, told in the style of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV series.
Dr Who: Daleks vs Mechons
Trailer for an imagined third Peter Cushing Dalek film. It was made a long time ago, so excuse the quality issues.
Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks prologue
The pre-titles sequence of Remembrance of the Daleks, remade in widescreen, with added BBC continuity.
Doctor Who: Dimension in Time DVD Production Notes
A loving pastiche of the Production Notes on the Doctor Who DVD range, for the 1993 Children in Need pantomime Dimensions in Time.
Doctor Who: The Ark in Space  A Prelude
A short video showing off my render of Space Station Nerva from Doctor Who Season 12.
Doctor Who: The Quark Invasion of Earth
A galaxy of the universe's rubbishest monster team up to invade Earth in 2157AD! Made in the style of 1960s Doctor Who, perhaps taken a little to extremes...
Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Skaro
Another old video: the 2005 Daleks head back to a 1960s Skaro and make a startling discovery...
​​​​​​​We Apologise for the Inconvenience trailer
Trailer for a stage-show based on the life of Douglas Adams.
Doctor Who: The TV Movie  the Gordon Tipple edit
The pre-titles sequence of the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie, remade with the original voice-over from actor Gordon Tipple re-instated.
Doctor Who: The Speckled Jim
Some silliness editing together Doctor Who: The War Games and Blackadder Goes Forth.
Doctor Who: The Third Doctor regenerates into the Fourth Doctor
A very simple edit of the two halves of this scene from Planet of the Spiders and Robot.
Videos and Animation