Project type: Monthly Report
Genre: Picture Book Illustration

Good Omens is a comedic novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. The plot focuses primarily on the attempts of Heaven and Hell to bring about the Apocalypse and the efforts of two characters - an angel named Aziraphale and a demon named Crowley to thwart such attempts. Aziraphale and Crowley have both lived among humans for several thousand years and have grown fond of humanity and their lives on Earth. Therefore, despite representing opposing divine parties, the two know each other well and interact often to Crowley, Aziraphale is “an enemy for six thousand years now, which made him sort of a friend.

It is also because of their common fondness for Earth and the human race that the two work together to prevent the coming of the End Times. Their collaboration results in the planning and execution of comically ridiculous schemes: most notably, the plan to switch the son of Satan (a.k.a the Antichrist) with another, normal baby to hinder the role Satan’s son was meant to play in bringing about the Apocalypse.

