Black Inked

Painting Series | Abstract Art | Black Ink

Black has its own reflection, it is very powerful when trying to send a message.
I tried to show the complications and the relief, the good and the bad, the what is and what will, and the opposite situations in general.
This resembles different circumstances in life that we all go through and the paths we take.

These paintings in this series were made using black ink and a brush.

Painting names:
- "Blissful Ignorance"
- "Faded"
- "Spikes"
- "Disasters"
- "War into Peace"
Painting on the left = "Blissful Ignorance"     |     Painting on the right = "Faded"
"Blissful Ignorance"
Blissful ignorance is "a state of not knowing and not wanting to know about unhappy things or possible problems" - Merriam Webster
Ignorance in some cases could be a negative thing, but in this case it is a bliss. Because sometimes in life we just don't want to know certain things; we don't want to know anything that will affect on our mood and self. Just being a blissful ignorant is a bliss. 

“Faded”Black and white abstract expressionism. “Faded” is when everything that is not beautiful and sad fades away and leaves the beauty to be shown bright and pure.
Black is used to show the deep darkness turn into pure white when all sorrows fade away. 
All that fades becomes white; full of purity. This is how we all should be, white hearted and pure.
“Spikes” are the difficulties and the sorrows everyone faces. However they eventually get solved and become so smooth like a straight line and a soft path. Remember after every difficulty and darkness, there is brightness and relieves.
"War into Peace"
"War into Peace"
I tried to show the complications and wars along with different paths that lead into peace.
"War into Peace"


"Black Inked" Painting Series | Abstract Art | Black Ink Black has its own reflection, it is very powerful when trying to send a message. I trie Read More
