„ S I M P L Y  W E G L O W K A ”  R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N 
 O F   I N D U S T R I A L    A R E A S   A N D   
A D A P T A T I O N   O F   W A R E H O U S E S   T O   
T H E   S C I E N C E   C E N T E R   I N    B I A L Y S T O K
Design of architectural and conservation concept for adaptation of post-industrial warehouse complex was created by a team of two. Authors Paula Karpowicz and  Ania Karbowska.
The main idea leading through the whole concept is to restore and give the function of old, deserted magazines and space for recreation and rest. The project is transformed into the renewal of a post-industrial warehouse complex and the creation of a new suspended structure. The project is based on the renovation of a postindustrial warehouse complex and the creation of a new suspended structure. The whole project is intended for educational and recreational functions. Science Center and many restaurants and cafes located in one of the most known areas of Bialystok. The concept juxtaposes and unites the spatial composition with the natural environment. The combination of historic buildings with modern architecture.
