Ruru Lin's profile

To weather the storm

── 莊子 《逍遙遊》

In the Northern Ocean there is a fish, the name of which is Kun - I do not know how many li in size. It changes into a bird with the name of Peng, the back of which is (also) - I do not know how many li in extent. When this bird rouses itself and flies, its wings are like clouds all round the sky.
── Zhuang zi 《Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease》
台灣是太平洋上的一個小島, 不停的遭受中國共產黨的威脅。
在此次疫情中也遭受巨大衝擊, 因此我希望台灣能像鯤一樣強壯, 成為的一條大魚, 或是鵬, 不受拘束自由的展翅高飛。
而在全球遭逢病毒苦難的同時, 也與大家站在一起, 攜手度過這個難關。

Taiwan is a little island in the Pacific Ocean, for a long time has been threatening by CCP.
COVID-19 is really effecting Taiwan, so I hope my native land can just like the strong giant fish Kun or Peng spread its wings and fly up, help this world, and standing with people to weather the storm.
Thanks you !

you can follow my IG: rurus_art_
To weather the storm

To weather the storm
